Have you heard
The greatest story ever
Are you curious to know
How far it will go?
How long it will take?
Will it make your heart break?
To you this must be true
This story must be new
A man and his people
Saving and giving little by little
Sharing the word day by day
A man with a smile and wink
No it's not Saint Nick you must be hoodwinked.
He gives love and heals those judging hearts
He feeds those in need
He does good deeds
To know him
And his love
Share his passion for the one above
Watching over like a dove
Not that I've sucked you in
Let's begin
How this tale
Will soon taste like old ale.
The man punished for doing good
Do you think anyone should?
Be whipped and scratched
Kicked and batched
Thirtynine times
Just save our lives yours and mine
On the road to calvery and through the city
He carried that splintered plank
Oh how slivers sank
Down his back all mangled and gashed
Blood started to dripp from being lashed
Little by little
Step by step
He reached the hill
Where he will be killed
On a cross to bear our lost
In this painful cost
For you and me
He lays on top of the wood
As the guards pushed and shoved
He felt a 9inch spike in his feet
In is hand the nail
Impailed his skin and bone
Oh how he screamed and groaned
They lifted the cross with a creak
The wind started to shriek
Blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
As he hang and said it is finshed
Buried he lay
Tears fell where he will stay
One day
Two days
Three days had past
The end was near for our man
But then the ground shook and shakes
His body became awake